-------- ESTD. 1990 --------
Model: AVA-1601
Determination of Avogadro's number using electrolysis technique
Model: BH-501
Magnetic hysteresis, B-H curve loop tracer
Model: BC-201
Determination of Boltzmann constant
Model: DMS-201
Determination of magnetic susceptibility of water and glass, diamagnetic and paramagnetic compounds
Model: DZD-1908
Determination of knee voltage, zener voltage and forward resistance, Determination of knee voltage, plotting I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias for a any semi-conductor diode
Model: EK-1308
Determination of e/k using silicon transistor
Model: MOD-1101
Determination of e/m of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method
Model: TEM-1101
Determination of e/m of an electron by Thomson’s method
Model: SEG-201
Determination of energy gap of a semiconductor sample
Model: FE-501
Determination of Fermi energy level in copper
Model: FCT-201
Determination of Curie temperature of HP3 grade ferrite core
Model: FP-1911
Resistivity variation with temperature for a semiconductor sample, Determination of energy gap of a semiconductor sample
Model: HE-201
Observe Hall effect in doped semiconductors and determination of charge density and velocity of charge carriers in the lattice
Model: HE-201LC
Model: VI-101
To draw I-V characteristics of xenon filled Thyraton and determine its ionization potential
Model: FET-201
Drain curves & transconductance curves, determination of GMO, IDSS, Vp. Variation of drain, source resistance with gate voltage & variation of transconductance with gate voltage
Model: LED-1908
Determination of knee voltage, plotting I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias for an LED
Model: QU-201
Measurement of magnetic susceptibility of liquids
Model: OC-301
Input/output & transfer characteristics of an opto-coupler, Determination of voltage & current transfer ratio
Model: PT-501
Determination of ferro electric phase transition & verification of Curie-Weiss Law
Model: PHO-501
Verification of Einstein’s photo electric equation, Determination of Planck’s constant, photonic work function
Model: PD-501
Determination of Responsivety, Quantum efficiency & I-V characteristics
Model: PTC-201
I-V characteristics & Spectral response of photo transistor, LDR and photo cell
Model: PLB-1902
Determination of Planck’s constant by black body radiation
Model: PLA-301
Determination of Planck’s constant using Einstein’s equation
Model: FP-1191
Determination of resistivity of wire Nichrome and Carbon by two probe method
Model: STS-501
Temperature sensitivity of temperature sensor ICs
Model: SOL-301
Determination of open circuit voltage, short circuit current, efficiency, maximum power point power, I-V Characteristics & fill factor.
Model: BBR-301
Determination of Stefan constant and verification of Stefan-Boltzmann Law (4th power law)
Model: TRV-1101
Determination of thermistor resistance variation with temperature and energy gap
Model: TRC-501
Study of input, output & transfer characteristics and calculation of input resistance, output resistance and amplification factor for any given n-p-n transistor
Model: UJT-201
I-V Characteristics, determination of intrinsic stand of ratio, base to base resistance, value point & peak point voltages