Clausius-Clapeyron enthalpy

Reference: Lab Experiments Journal vol-11, No.3, Page-194

Clausius-Clapeyron enthalpy

Model: CCE-201


Verification of Clasius-Clapeyron equation

Determination of specific enthalpy


1 . Pressure vessel

                    Pressure cooker with pressure gauge and provision for thermometer
Max pressure: 2 bar
Safety valve: Yes
Capacity: 3 L
Maximum pressure: 2 bar

2 . Heater

                    Hot plate: Flat coil heater
Rated Input: 220 V/50 Hz or 110 V/60 Hz
Power: 1.5 KW

3 . Thermometer

                    Type: Digital, Probe type
Range: 300 °C
Resolution: 0.1 °C
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